Strips 2024 news
We would like to keep you posted what happens at Strips 2024, we are constantly on the move.
We ensured that we can offer longer opening hours, so that you can book an appointment more often in the evening.
In addition, all our salons are getting a face-lift and we make sure that you can also go to our salon in De Pijp for facials and skin advice.
As soon as we open the agendas for this, we will be happy to inform you.
You can no longer book your treatments in salon Oost, the nearest Strips salon is located at van der Helstplein 4 where all our professionals are ready to help you.
If you have a Triple voucher, it will of-course remain valid! You can use this for:
Strips Center
Strips West
Strips South
Do you still have an outstanding treatment on your WaxTober voucher? This was valid until 12/31/23, but you can extend it until 1/31/24 for an additional payment of €15. The amount will be charged at the salon.
Any questions? Mail us! We love to hear from you! info@stripswax.nl